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来源:威久留学     责任编辑:留学专家    浏览:3747次





1. Hello, how are you?

2. Why do you need a visa? Where will you go?

3. Have you taken TOEFL or IELTS exams?/ Did you take any standard tests?

4. Why don’t you study in China?

5. Why do you choose this university?

6. What is your major? Why do you like this major? Why do you choose this major?

7. How long do you plan to stay in the US?

8. What are you going to do after graduation? Do you have a clear future plan? After your study in the US, what will you do?


9. When will you go to university?

10. Where will you live?

11. How many universities have you compared with? What are they?

12. How much do you know about the university? Tell me something about the university you choose.

13. How many university admit you?

14. Do they give you financial aid? Do you seek financial aid from the universities? Do you seek scholarship?

15. Where are you studying now?

16. Have you taken GAOKAO/National Entrance Exam?

17. Why don’t you choose a university in China?

18. Show me your transcript. May I see your transcript? Do you have a transcript?

19. Are you a good student?


20. What is your favorite subject?

21. Who will support you? Who is your sponsor?

22. Do you know how much money will you need for your study/stay in the US?

23. Do you plan to seek financial support in US?

24. Show me your bank certificate./ Can I see your bank deposit?

25. What do your parents do?

26. How much do ther earn a year?/ What’s their income?

27. Explain the source of the money.

28. What will you do after your graduation? What is your future plan?

29. Do you plan to seek employment in US after your graduation?

30. Is this the first time you are outside of China? Is this your first time abroad? Have you ever been outside of China?

31. Do you have any friends or relatives in the US?

32. Is this the first time for your US visa interview?

33. Who is your advisor?

34. How do you connect with the university?

35. How did you find the unversity?

36. How do you apply to the universities?

37. How long have you prepared for your visa interview?

38. What is your major now and what is the major you will study further?

39. Can you compare with your majors?

40. Can you explain what you learned in the university? Talk about something about your major.

41. Do you know what courses you will have in future?

42. Why do you choose this major?









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