



时 间 9月7日 9月23日
主 题 招生面试
面试专业 Management
Humanitiesand Social Sciences
covers allof the business school programmes plus TESOL
Economics Interpreting
International,Relationsand Economics
MA Interpreting and Translation (MAIT), Business Interpreting Skills (TBI)
咨询电话 400-164-6699、400-164-6699
面试地址 北京市海淀区中关村大街32号和盛嘉业大厦11层


Miss Sally

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering & Design, University of Bath.

Dr Sally is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath. She joined the academic staff of the University in 1988 having completed a PhD at the University of Birmingham and postdoctoral research projects in the then School of Materials Science at Bath and also at the Open University. She has published widely in the area of computational biomechanics, concentrating particularly on the use of the Finite-Element method in understanding the response to load of bone and articular cartilage. Sally was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Medical Engineering & Physics between 2006 and 2011, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (FIPEM).

Sally teaches in the area of solid mechanics and was an Esso Centenary Education Award recipient. She has performed a variety of admissions & recruitment and student support roles, most recently as Director of Studies for PGT students in Mechanical Engineering. She was appointed Associate Dean for Graduate Studies for the Faculty of Engineering & Design in April 2014.

Miss Virginia

Deputy Head of International Student Recruitment at the University of Bath

Miss Virginia MBA has worked as Deputy Head of International Student Recruitment at the University of Bath since 2007. She is the country manager for mainland China and Hong Kong and is responsible for talking to Chinese students about all aspects of their plans to study at the University: the programmes and entry requirements, admissions processes, fees and funding and all the practical aspects of taking this big decision. She also works with our representatives in China and with the academic and professional staff of the University to help them understand about Chinese education and she manages most of the University’s post-graduate international scholarship schemes.

Before she worked at Bath she was an English language teacher and worked in Europe, Australia and Asia for organisations such as the British Council. If she gets any free time in China, she likes visiting historical and cultural places and walking in the hills around Beijing…and trying different types of Chinese food.

Miss Sophie

PG Admissions Officer for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Miss Sophie is a PG Admissions Officer for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She has worked at the University for 7 years and has worked in the education sector for 13 years.

Her main responsibilities are for the MA programmes in the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies and the Department of Economics.

Sophie has a lot of experience of customer service both within and outside of the education sector.




2016 2015 2014 2013
TIMES英国大学排名 12 10 7 9
GUARDIAN英国大学排名 5 4 7 9
专业 商科 心理学 化学工程、化学工程 会计与金融
排名 1 2 3 5


       巴斯大学座落于"世界历史名城"、英国唯一的世界遗产城市——巴斯之外的美丽乡村,距离伦敦只有90分钟的路程。主校区位于Claverton Down,离巴斯市约2公里的路程。学校所在位置很空旷,从一端走到另一端仅仅需要15分钟。       巴斯大学拥有一个多用途、现代化的校园。校园占地面积200英亩,绿野校园上建有学生宿舍及一流的体育设施。在校学生15964人,其中超过25%为外国留学生,学术及社会气氛朝气蓬勃。巴斯大学校园内有商店、食品店、银行、实验室,演讲厅依次环绕中央步行区,簇拥着一座矗立的包括大学图书馆和学习中心的现代化计算机大楼。






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